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- Alias(es)
- Allele name
- Amino Acid change
- Amino Acid change type
- DNA change
- DNA change type
- Compound type (in cis, in trans)
- Gene Region
- Transcript ID
- Alignment(s) (all validated alignments from source)
- Genome build name
- Start and End positions
- Wild type sequence
- Variant sequence
- Nested variant(s) (if parent variant is compound)
- Same as variant info, but without interpretation revisions
- Reference(s)
- Abstract
- Comments
- Author
- Journal Details
- Publication Year
- Source (Identifier/Type)
- Title
- URL (if type is URL)
- Gene Identifier (first Gene Identifier with a code system associated to the variant’s gene)
- External ID (A unique identifier which makes the record of that variant within a certain lab totally unique)
- Report Allele Name
- Report DNA Change
- Report AA Change
- Splicing Impact (if available)
- dbSNP ID
- # of Families
- # of Reports
- Source (ID/Name) (Modifiable fields that are intended to record the source of the variant information when it was originally entered. Typically this would be a database [e.g., COSMIC, dbSNP, CardioGenomics] and the identifier assigned to the variant in that database)
- Current Interpretation Revision Approval
- Note 1: If variant currently has a proposed interpretation (i.e. has not been approved) only the date & time of the proposal will be displayed.
- Note 2: Depending on the configuration of the receiving instance, only interpretations related to existing diseases in the receiving instance are processed.
- Content Approval (by User, on Date)
- Approval (by User, on Date)
- Reason for Update
- (For each interpretation)
- Category Type (Med Sig, Unk. Sig, Incidental)
- Category Code
- Inheritance
- Interpretation Text
- List of Disease Codes (if applicable)